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Upgrade from Mautic 5.1.0 to Mautic 5.1.1

First, let’s get into position.
cd /var/www/html

Then download the upgrade package.

We unzip the file to deploy its contents.
When asked: replace .all-contributorsrc? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:
REPLY: A or All

Let’s give specific permissions to the files we just added
chmod 755 -R /var/www/html && chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html

Give Apache a good’ ol restart…
service apache2 restart

Round everything up by clearing the Mautic cache
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/bin/console cache:clear

— >> Done! << —

You are now good to go check your Mautic UI, check that everything runs fine and see if the version is now 5.1.1

Don’t postpone it any longer! You can do it in under 3 mins!

This guide is good for Ubuntu 22.04 (and newer) installations done using any of my tutorials.
Should work just fine on Debian 12, but it is not tested nor supported…

If this post helped you, please take 20 secs to drop a comment here below, thank you!
If you find any trouble don’t hesitate to ask for help, also here below in the comments section.


Yosu Cadilla

My name is Yosu Cadilla, a Linux Systems Administrator since year 2000.
I discovered Mautic in 2017 and since have specialized in:
– Running Mautic for Marketing Agencies.
– Running large Mautic instances, sometimes
with millions of contacts.

If you are planning on deploying Mautic for your Marketing Agency, or you have a large Mautic Instance…
Let’s have a chat!