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toolBelt: Mautic scripts, config files and automations.

After several years running Mautic for clients, this is the way I have come up to facilitate most things and make my work easier, faster and above all, more secure, since it allows me to minimize human error.
I used to host these files on a file server, but over time it has become an interesting collection, so I have now moved it to GitHub instead.

toolBelt is a new repo with lots of little goodies:

Read More »toolBelt: Mautic scripts, config files and automations.

Mautic 4.4.13 Installation Tutorial: Ubuntu 22.04, PHP 8.0, MariaDB 10.6

Why install Mautic 4 when Mautic 5 is already available?
Don’t get fooled by the new and sparkly Mautic 5, it is too soon to use it, go for the stable and reliable Mautic 4 instead.

  • Well tested, very stable, no known major bugs.
  • Existing bugs in M4 are already fixed, and security patches were added in Mautic 4.4.13.
  • Uses older, stabler versions of the entire stack (Ubuntu, MariaDB, PHP, etc…)
  • Stack will not vary over time as it is very mature.

4 Simple Steps to Install Mautic 4

  1. Install the packages required to run Mautic 4.
  2. Install Mautic 4.4.13
  3. Run the Mautic 4 configuration wizard.
  4. Install the Mautic 4 Cron Jobs.
Read More »Mautic 4.4.13 Installation Tutorial: Ubuntu 22.04, PHP 8.0, MariaDB 10.6

Upgrade from Mautic 5.1.0 to Mautic 5.1.1

First, let’s get into position.
cd /var/www/html

Then download the upgrade package.

We unzip the file to deploy its contents.
When asked: replace .all-contributorsrc? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:
REPLY: A or All

Let’s give specific permissions to the files we just added
chmod 755 -R /var/www/html && chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html

Give Apache a good’ ol restart…
service apache2 restart

Round everything up by clearing the Mautic cache
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/bin/console cache:clear

— >> Done! << —

Read More »Upgrade from Mautic 5.1.0 to Mautic 5.1.1

12 email conversion tactics, 3 jokes and 1 strategy.

It is frightening to see how many emails land on my inbox, written by professional marketers, some of them claiming to be or showing off as is they are email gurus, which badly break a few of these rules, without any purpose to it and without other resolution than a badly written email. Cause yes, you can break those rules and create a good email, if you are a true email genius, but it is rare and increasingly difficult, until you get there, stick to the tried and true!

Here are some basic tactics guaranteed to improve your open rates, click through and most importantly, conversions into follows, registrations and ultimately, sales.
These really are the staples of email marketing, however, the order and intensity will have to be fine-tuned for different markets, product types and situations.

Read More »12 email conversion tactics, 3 jokes and 1 strategy.