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Switching to Debian (thank you for these amazing years, Ubuntu).

Debian vs Ubuntu

I’ve been using Ubuntu for years, both as a Linux enthusiast first and then as a professional Systems Administrator.

Ubuntu is still, in my opinion, the sweeter, newbie friendly, Linux distro available, if you are new to Linux or thinking on moving to Linux, start with Ubuntu, it works with the latest hardware, it does not break easily, and the UI is simple, likeable, easy to get used to and, if you use your computer for simple things, it might even boost your productivity, as compared with other OSs.
Last but definitely not least, if you need help with your Linux OS, the Ubuntu community is probably where you will get the most free and friendly help, the Ubuntu user community is helpful, friendly and newbie accommodating, a value rarely taken into account when choosing an OS that I think is of uttermost importance.

However, those are not my needs, not anymore…
I barely require help with my OS, and when I do, the solutions I need are rarely found in generic help forums around the Internet.
I rarely use this year’s hardware, in fact, I like using older, more reliable hardware, especially for my servers. Hence, the advantage of having up to this week “drivers” like you would expect from an Arch distribution or even up to this month, like you would expect from Ubuntu, is of no use to me anymore.

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Goodbye LXC-LXD, hello Docker & Kubernetes.

I’m finally ditching LXC / LXD in favor of Docker and K8s, but maybe not for the reasons you might be thinking…

LXC is still, in my opinion, the best container technology for Mautic, and also for most of the monolithic projects out there, which in the case of open source marketing and open-martech, it’s over 85% of the existing projects.

However, recent changes have occurred in the LXD world, Canonical decided to pull the project from the guys at Linux Containers, that have been developing and maintaining both LXC and LXD projects for many years and bring it fully in-house.

I do not have first-hand information about how this was done, but given the recent fork and how things have been going lately, I do not have the same level of trust I used to have in Canonical. At the same time, I am uncertain of what the new path for the fork, Incus will look like in a couple of years from now. I’m pretty sure I’ll be revisiting LXC, LXD and Incus over time, but for right now, it is time for a change!

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Mautic Support: How to Get Help from the Mautic Community

Mautic Support: Get Help from the Mautic Community

If you are a Mautic community user or Mautic self-hosted user, chances are you are going to need help, a lot of times…

Have you noticed how some requests seem to get a lot of attention while others seem to be ignored? Some users seem to get their questions answered fast while questions from other users go unanswered forever and finally fade into oblivion.

Also, it would seem some questions get well-thought responses while others get short answers that seem not to be helpful at all.

If you are one of those guys who’s questions tend to go unanswered, this post will help you get proper answers almost every time.

Read More »Mautic Support: How to Get Help from the Mautic Community