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Mautic Users

Mautic email: Which email provider is best for Mautic?

Mautic can do a whole lot of smart stuff for your email, except sending it! Mautic users have to use a third party service to send emails, in this post I’ll go over 3 different options for sending Mautic emails, the pros and cons of each and I’ll give you a final recommendation for your business type.

There’s a lot to consider when choosing the best email delivery for Mautic emails, for starters a lot of work can go into building Mautic campaigns, in those cases, the cost of sending emails will be just a small fraction of the overall spend and deliverability should be second to nothing. On the other hand, companies using Mautic to send newsletters or simpler DRIP campaigns might be more sensible to the cost of sending these emails. And finally, heavily IT bound companies might care less about pricing and will consider flexibility as the main feature to consider.

I have chosen 3 companies that will cater to each of those needs, keep reading!

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